Wednesday, April 21, 2010

manifestations of clouds

Monday, April 19, 2010

Theatre Workshop

Last weekend I gave a workshop for a theater group from Jena. They are developing a piece based on stories of Shaun Tan. My aim now was to introduce drawing as a media and actor in the piece. Especially for the story "Eric" we develloped drawings starting from "little found things" and practised collective drawing. The piece forms under the direction of Paul Josiger. The stage setting is done by Elise Richter. Altough it was the first really nice weekend I enjoyed being inside and getting inspired by the whole thing - the interaction between drawing, acting, music and the really nice people! // Workshop am 17. / 18. April 2010 im Kulturbahnhof Jena mit der Gruppe "Theater im Karton". Gerade wird dort unter der Leitung von Paul Josiger ein Stück für Kinder aus Geschichten von Shaun Tan entwickelt. Der Workshop soll Zeichnung als Medium in das Stück einführen. Wir haben viel experimentiert, projeziert, gemalt und gezeichnet. Das Bühnenbild wurde von Elise Richter entworfen und umgesetzt.

For more pictures : click here.

Open Door Day.

Since february we have our new collective atelier in Weimar with Ewa, Flo, Illumat, Ina and Lydia.
Friday the 16th of april2010 all the ateliers in the house opened their doors for visitors.
There were lot of people, cake and Bratwurst and a good occasion decorate our walls and get to know our neighbours.
For more pictures : click here.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


I did this pop-up interpretation of the fairy-tale "Hänsel und Gretel" for kellner.spiel - next week it will travel to a Japan to accompany a presenation for a playground there wich is inspired by fairy-tales. It was the first time I did something like this and it was such interesting process to make a pop-up! Puzzling all the different parts together really fits with my way of working.

More pictures click : here!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Ganz schön kalt ohne Mantel.

Diese Illustration von mir findet ihr im Erfurter Kulturmagazin hEFt. Das Thema dieser Ausgabe ist "Übergangsjacken" - Übergangsjahreszeiten und Ähnliches. Das Bild steht neben dem sehr schönen Text von "Ein Stück Abchasien" von David Turashvili.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Easter!

Keep your eyes open and enjoy easter! My favourite Easter fountain springs in Weimar... // Augen auf bei der Eiersuche und frühes Aufwachen bei der Wanderung zur Osterquelle! Mein Lieblings-Osterbrunnen sprudelt in Weimar...


About Me

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Exhibition in KC Grad / Belgrade 3/06-13/06 2012